Sunday, April 17, 2011

Poll Results

There weren't that many votes cast, which is of course expected for a poll on a new blog. But anyway, the results are in, and the winner is *drumroll* AMD! What does this mean? Well, not much, since this is in no way a scientific poll. But I guess it means that the average viewer is more likely to prefer AMD than marketshare sujests.  Right now I'm coming up with another topic for a poll, and working on a Dragon Age 2 review, which will take a bit longer but should be good. If you have suggestions for a new poll, or comments about Dragon Age, feel free to post below.


  1. how can you say your viewer prefers AMD when the vote is nearly 50/50? Best read up on how to interpret polls, son

  2. Yeah i'd probably hold off on making polls until you build up your followers a little more.

  3. Several valid points have been raised already. When's the next poll?

  4. They won by one vote, that doesn't count :P

  5. wow
    i love my i7 amd just has nothing with enough power in the portfolio

  6. Ewww Dragon Age 2 :(. Nothing compared to the first.

  7. One vote does count xd
